Finding A Moment

Slice of Life Day 31

In the days leading up to March and every day in March, I am constantly looking for a moment within each day.

What stands out?

What is worthy of remembering?

It is in these searches that I tend to slow day, savor, and be more in the moment.  It is not about doing extraordinary things every day but finding something noteworthy in the ordinary.  It is always there, I just need to notice and appreciate it.  This slicing challenge reminds me to slow down, stop, and do just that.  It is all too easy to get caught up in what comes next.

Be in the moment.

Enjoy the ordinary day to day because it can turn into a moment meant to be remembered that may have otherwise gone unnoticed.

Sleepover Sleepiness

Slice of Life Day 30

Sleepovers for my son mean sleeplessness for me.  They stay up late, which means I stay up late.  Once their chatter finally dies down and the herd of elephants that are pacing upstairs falls silent, I can relax a little, until I decide to turn in.  Once I do go to bed, I find myself tossing and turning with having someone else in the house that I’m responsible for.

Are they sleeping alright?

Do they need anything?

What if they wake up in the middle of the night?

Every time I wake up, I find myself listening…

Is everything alright?

Late nights should result in late mornings, but they never do.

Voices whispering early, doors open and shut, toilets flush.

I guess we’re all up now.  Too early, not enough sleep.  I am going to be sleepy today.

Scooter Bear

Slice of Life Day 29

Over winter break, we had Flat Matt tag along on our outings for my son’s 3rd grade project.  Now for spring break, we have Scooter Bear from my daughter’s preschool class.  Scooter Bear was brought home yesterday and he went straight to Turtle Park with us, built a new Lego, had an impromptu bonfire and s’mores with the neighbors, and a bedtime rereading of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. This morning, Scooter Bear went out to breakfast to enjoy Mickey Mouse pancakes with fresh squeezed orange juice. This afternoon he tagged along to a different park to enjoy the zipline, put together another Lego, and finished a puzzle!

I wonder where Scooter Bear has traveled with his other preschool friends and where he has yet to go with us this week!

Mom and Son Day

Slice of Life Day 28

It is rare that my son and I have time just the two of us together.  We usually do everything together as a family.  When these moments do present themselves, the time with each of my children on their own is time to be cherished.  Today my son and I had just this.  My youngest was at school enjoying time with her friends so we took advantage.  First, a trip to Learning Express in search of a new Lego to occupy his time over break.  We arrived and scanned the wall, but did not see what we were looking for.  We decided to walk a few storefronts down to the bookstore and check there.  A brisk morning with the sun shining.  We chatted about what to do with the rest of our day and about his upcoming sleepover.  In this moment, I reached over and took his hand in mine.  He wrapped his little hand around mine and we strolled hand in hand to the bookstore.  I love that he’ll still hold my hand and that he wants to spend time with me.  I will cherish all the times he wishes to hold my hand or to snuggle up with me on the couch because I know these moments will become fewer and far between as he gets older.  Today nothing could top walking hand in hand with my son to the bookstore.  

Comfy Place to Read

Slice of Life Day 27

There was finally time for me to read, we had spent the day together as a family and now the kids were all off doing their own thing and having some quiet time.  The family room and basement were claimed and my bed had clothes laid out on it to dry. 

My daughter’s bed seemed like the comfiest option! Pillow angled just right, fluffy comforter, stuffies abound for company.  Nothing is better than not having to look at the clock, not having a looming to do list, just time to read and relax.  A few chapters in, I could hear some chatter throughout the house and the basketball bouncing outside as my eyelids grew heavy.  Normally, I would fight this urge and would never have laid down because this would inevitably happen, but today I gave in.  Nowhere to be, no list to check off, chapters to be read another time.  A welcomed nap that has been long, long overdue.  

Squeals of Glee

Slice of Life Day 26

My son and his friend, our next door neighbor, can play together for hours.  Usually, it’s building in their Minecraft world, which means endless hours with their eyes glued to the TV.  The hours tick by with complete silence, laughter, yells, and indistinguishable chatter. 

I usually yell down every so often and tell them to take a break, which results in an epic Nerf gun battle.  The typically quiet basement turns into an all out brawl of laughter, yells, and the most smile inducing high pitch yell squeal from my son’s friend.  It makes me giggle every time!  They transform the basement into bases and forts, and occasionally one will run up the stairs to seek cover when they are out of bullets pleading for a time out, yelling for help!  

I am so glad we finished our basement during COVID so that our kids could have this space to enjoy their friends’ company because nothing makes me happier than hearing those high pitch squeals of glee!

Cleaning for Friends

Slice of Life Day 25

Having friends over is always an excuse to clean what I have been putting off or put away the piles I have been meaning to put in their final resting place.  The workweek always has too much going on to tackle these tasks and everything is already in its place and clean enough to be fine for the day to day.  Clean and neat enough for parents, in-laws, my kids’ friends, and the occasional neighbor to pop in.  But, there is something about having the time and the little nudge from having friends and their kids over tonight that made me finally…

Move the kids’ “keep” art and school pile downstairs to their bins

Have the kids put away their valentine’s boxes that have proudly been displayed

Put the missed winter decor away for good

Take down the paper bridge prototype that had been tweaked throughout the week

Change the last of the sheets and put away the comforter

Pack up my kids’ playset that they no longer use and promised to a friend

All of these things had their rightful place before and looked fine, but I now have that sense of accomplishment that it has finally been checked off my list and it’s only the first day of break!  I always love the feeling and smell of a clean house.  I am thankful for our friends who are coming over tonight for they unknowingly gave me the little push and motivation I needed!

Not Once, But Twice

Slice of Life Day 24

Monday, we went outside for class PE at the end of the day.  This is a treat for the kids because we go to play on the swings and the playground.  They also like to bring out a soccer ball to kick around.  When we went out on Monday, another class was out doing a science observation and sitting on the blacktop, so I told them they had to wait to play soccer.  One of my students complained saying this was dumb and I told him to either go play with the rest of the class or he could sit out.  He stubbornly chose to stand against the side of the building.  When the other class went it 5 minutes later, he eagerly grabbed the ball from me as the others ran to join him on the blacktop. Within seconds, he took 2 steps and punted the ball to start the game… right onto the roof. We all just turned to look at the student and said, “Really?!”  That quickly ended the game that had yet to even begin!

Today, we needed to get out some energy and the internet went out, so we took advantage of an earned recess we had been trying to fit in.  As we lined up and started walking out into the hallway I heard on the radio another class was headed outside to do a science observation.  Once again, I knew my soccer crew would be disappointed.  I held onto the ball as everyone scattered to the swings and playground.  When other the class went in the boys ran over to retrieve the ball.  I looked right at the student from Monday and told him NOT to punt the ball.  He laughed and shook his head in embarrassment. The boys kicked, played, and enjoyed soccer.  As I called the students in to line up, the ball rolled down the hill, for the fourth time, and that student went to get it.  Two students stayed behind motioning for him to kick it in.  I yelled across the blacktop for that student NOT to punt the ball! He says he did not hear me, I know he chose not to hear me, and we all watched in disbelief as the ball flew high into the air and sailed straight onto the roof, again! Nooo!!! We all just stood and stared dumbfounded.

Second ball lost in 4 days! That has to be a record.  We’ll see what tomorrow brings.

Scout Olympics

Slice of Life Day 23

It started with smiles, laughter, and giggles as they all closely lined up along the wall and squatted down into what we all knew would be the dreaded wall sit.  Some dropped fast overcome with fits of giggles.  Some sat unfazed against the wall tempting each other as if to say, “I can do this all night.”  One by one they fell.  One by one they rallied around their last sitting teammates.  

“You can do this!”

“You got this!”

“Don’t give up!”

My daughter and son were side by side.

He was eyeing up two of his friends who were exchanging glances back.

Who would drop first?

My daughter was among the last few competitors, the youngest one on the wall. But all of a sudden her fun, carefree, enjoyable face quickly scrunched up, legs trembling, almost on the verge of tears.  

“Mommy, my legs hurt,” all the while still sitting against the wall and not breaking form.

“Oh, baby, it’s ok.  You can stop.”

Holding back tears and nodding up and down.  I leaned in to hug her and pull her off the wall.  Instantly, she was revived and excited to be congratulated for her effort.  She quickly moved to support her brother!

1 friend drops.  3 remain. 

Brother vs. Brother

Friend vs. Friend

We all look at each other surprised at how much time had passed.  This is only our first “event” we may be here all night!

“Alright, hands out straight in front of you and sink down even further.”


The oldest finally sinks down too far and can’t recover.  He falls to the ground.

Friend vs. Friend

“Give up!  Just give up!”

“Nooo, never,” my son whimpered through gritted teeth and giggles.

Finally, his friend couldn’t control his shaking legs and he tipped to the side and onto the ground.


My son walked his way up the wall and slowly stretched out his legs. 
A blue ribbon placed in his hand!

If he could jump, he probably would have.

Instead, he hobbled over to his friend still laying on the ground, “GG.”

Despite the competitive nature between most of these boys, their grit, determination, and wanting to win, they still rallied around each other, teammates and opponents, congratulating each other and picking each other up.  It was a heartwarming sight to see.

Scout Olympics was a success!

Enjoying Recess Duty

Slice of Life Day 22

Today was a warmer recess day of 40-something and I was bundled anyway in my fuzzy boots, hat, hood, and gloves.  With the weather finally being bearable and the sun shining it made these 25 minutes more enjoyable! 

We had the catching the football group, the serious soccer group, the tag/freeze tag/chase group, the basketball group, and the wanderers.  All had lots of smiling faces and laughter!

These are the recess days I enjoy! Kids chattering, playing, hiding behind me so as not to get caught, me kicking the soccer ball around a few times.  NO drama and NO complaining!

Kids just being kids enjoying their time outside together! I’m looking forward to more recess days like these.