A Night Together

Slice of Life Day 10

On Thursdays, my daughter and I get a “girl’s night” after dinner because my hubby and son have a late night soccer practice.  Tonight, we snuggled together watching part of a princess movie.  Bath time included the retelling of today’s chapter from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and tomorrow’s predictions.  We cozied up in bed reading her class book Letters to Santa.  She knows it by heart, yet we still chuckle at all the same parts.  Prayers, and our nightly songs.

Now I get to snuggle into bed and cozy up under the covers.  A momentarily quiet house.  Everything is still. The boys will be home any minute until then silence. Comfort. I’ll just close my eyes until then…

5 thoughts on “A Night Together

  1. So fun. I love those moments. Last night my husband wasn’t feeling great and decided to sleep on the couch downstairs. My 16 year old then decided she would come and sleep in my bed since she lost her bed when my niece moved in and has been sleeping on the other couch. It was great having her snuggle again.

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  2. Sounds like a lovely evening! Also the same kind of evening I had/am having now! I just got my daughter to bed and now the house is quiet until my husband comes home, who knows when. He dropped my son off at a birthday party and sleep over an hour away, and I’m not sure how long he’s hanging out since it’s at his bff’s house. So I’m soaking up the quiet house! I hope you enjoy your time!


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