Afternoon Nap

Slice of Life: Day 10

Very rarely do I get to take a nap.  Naps disappeared with the arrival of kids and their nap times are consumed with tackling my ever growing to-do list.  Today though, today was just one of those days that everything fell into place.  Both kids went down for a nap at the same time.  My husband even crawled back into bed as naps for him did not disappear with the arrival of kids.  I trudged downstairs and caught up on spring break schedules, summer camp registration, fall after school care, picture order forms…the pile had become ridiculous.  Then I decided I would sit down for ten minutes.  My early morning wake up to workout was setting in and the couch was calling my name.  I flopped down, spread the blanket over me and nestled into the pillow.  Ahh, so comfy.  The house so quiet.  I’m just going to close my eyes for a minute.  The rain tapped against the windows and danced on the rooftop.  The calming trickle washed over me.  The house so quiet.  The rain lulling me to sleep.  The warmth and comfort of the blanket.  For the first tine in a very long time I drifted off to sleep and napped.  Nothing like a nap on a rainy Saturday afternoon.

10 thoughts on “Afternoon Nap

  1. A restorative nap is a gift to yourself and to those who depend on you too. Good for you! Your description nearly lulled me to sleep! Missing that hour is taking advantage of me.


  2. I am from a long line of nappers. I had a great one yesterday and feel as though there might be another on the horizon today. I think the world would be a better place if people took more naps.


  3. Ah there is something about naps that is good for the soul. Sometimes the hardest part is giving ourselves permission to pause the to dos and join our family in a little siesta.


  4. Oh, how I love naps! Got a short one yesterday, and was hoping for one today… but I forgot about a meeting at 1:00. Oh well! I did get a lot of meal prep done, and I anticipate an early bedtime tonight!


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