Why is everything always so early?!

Slice of Life: Day 12

I am a planner and I have all of the family’s schedules on my calendar to keep us organized, but what I dislike is always having to think and plan so far in advance that I feel like the present starts to pass us by.
It started in February when I had to register for my son’s after school care program for next school year.  Then it was needing to sign up for summer camp in March and pool passes needing to be purchased too! I couldn’t decide on summer camp.  I felt cornered with the need to map out our entire summer in March! What about the flexibility and spontaneity that summer is suppose to bring?!  How about all the money I am having to pay up front to register for all of this?!  I have been harboring all of this resentment towards planning that today irked me even more!
I went to the Dollar Store because my son’s teacher asked for some St. Patrick’s Day trinkets that the leprechaun could leave behind for the kids.   I could already see the display through the windows: Easter.  Baskets upon baskets.  Eggs and bunnies.  Again, having to think ahead!  All that remained of  St. Pat’s Day was a sad end display with 2 green boas, 1 headband and some random odds and ends.  Nothing to excite a bunch of kinders! Feeling bummed and deflated I left empty handed.
Oh wait, Walgreens, they are bound to have a great St. Patrick’s Day display! Across the street I went…. only to find two aisles filled with Easter peeps, candy, baskets and bunnies.  Ugh, total let down.  As I was walking out the door I spotted the end display this one better than the last.  Necklaces, shirts, glasses, ahh, yes, buttons! 4 packs of St. Patty’s Day buttons later I have what I came for! I can score some extra brownie points with my kid’s teacher and carry on the leprechaun’s tradition of trickery and treats! Christmas in October, swimsuits in February you did not prevail and get the best of me this time because sometimes doing things right on time and procrastinating to the eleventh hour are the way things are suppose to be done!!

4 thoughts on “Why is everything always so early?!

  1. I can totally relate to all of this. Hobby Lobby has an aisle already prepped for Memorial Day or 4th of July. I use my “planned ignoring” skills when I go in these stores that insist on jumping to the next holiday 3-5 months in advance.


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