
Slice of Life Day 26

I miss spontaneity. 

I miss waking up and seeing how we feel and where the day will take us.   Now, don’t get me wrong I am a planner, but I don’t like this kind of planning… the timed entry tickets, the non-refundable timed entry tickets, the need for socially distanced reservations, and time limits.  I want to go back to packing it up because the day called for it and just going!
There is no just going to the museum or zoo anymore.  It has to be perfectly planned well in advance!  It’s deciding how many other people may be there and is it worth going…
I bought tickets for the zoo tonight not for the time I wanted, but tickets.  Tried to book something else and that was not available.  Thought about buying tickets for another but didn’t feel like committing just yet…
I miss the spontaneity… will I ever get it back?

3 thoughts on “Spontaneity

  1. That’s such a great point- we used to go to the zoo ALL THE TIME and now it has been few and far between. I miss being able to use my zoo membership on a whim! Maybe things will change by the summer when vaccinations are more widely available/given?! Fingers crossed!


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