Puddle Jumping

Slice of Life: Day 19

Today was a puddle jumping kind of day! We had been out twice this morning, but by this afternoon we were a little stir crazy.  We had the door open this afternoon and we listened to the rain lightly tapping on the windows and the tree branches rustling in the breeze.  The ripples the rain drops made in the puddles looked so enticing.  The water was pooling at the foot of our driveway,  the curbs were filling and the dips in the pavement were pooling.  It looked liked it was stopping or maybe at least a momentary pause.
“Who wants to go for a walk and jump in some puddles?”
“Really? Sure!”
Quizzical looks turned to glee and excitement.
“Get your rainboots and raincoats!”
The kids were ready to go, dressed in brightly colored raincoats and matching colored boots.  They ran out into the driveway and headed straight for the end of the driveway awkwardly high stepping in their tall boots.
Splish. Splash. Splish. Splash.
Lightly tapping feet. Shuffling feet. Jumping feet.
On the street, on the curb, on the sidewalk, everywhere they could find them.  Nothing delighted them more than finding a puddle and watching the water spray and bounce around their feet.  There is always something magical about the rain and puddles.  A little rain and mud never hurt anything! Here’s to what looks like more puddle jumping tomorrow.

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